Step Assists

Ambulant assistance entering and exiting a vehicle can be modified to suit a number of vehicle styles. Automatic Kwikee Step, Intermediate Step, Manual Step and Edge Identification are all part of a vast range of possible solutions.

Auto Cool Steps by Mobility Engineering

Mobility Engineering is supplied with a variety of assistive steps from Auto Cool that allow easier access in adn out of a vehicle. The models of steps available include:

  • Electrically Operated Parallel Step
  • Electrically Operated Parallel Step
  • Mechanical Operated Step

Omni Steps

A range of steps that can be mounted to motor homes, four wheel drive vehicles, trucks and some vans. They are designed for people who have difficulty stepping up onto a vehicle seat. The steps are made of anodised aluminium with rounded edges. They are available in one, two or three steps and and in several sizes. They are either electrically or manually operated.